Thursday, January 3, 2013

Chapter 3

To witness the birth of a child is our best opportunity 
to experience the meaning of the word miracle.
~ Paul Carvel

I'm not one to watch the news but this happened to be featured as a viral picture of little Nevaeh Atkins, the polite newborn that shook the hands of her delivering physician.

Take some time and appreciate the purity and beauty of this picture.

I couldn't help but smile and feel a warm, fuzzy feeling when I saw this. I witnessed my first childbirth back in March. I can't say I felt the same way. Instead I was going through the medical process, thinking about how this slimy baby looks like an alien and how intimate I became with my cousin. Not only because I saw her vagina but I was sharing one of the most important moments of her life.

Before they even know their importance, babies are influential and powerful beings. They can change an adult's outlook of life, soften a bitter heart, and provide a new dimension to love. I myself am not a mother but it seems that my family and friends have caught a serious case of baby fever. Watching these babies grow so quickly, develop their nuances of facial expressions, do the darnest things, and in the end all you can do is laugh and enjoy the moment, something as an adult we forget to do.

Sometimes we're wrapped up in our everyday routines with this large load of stress in a high paced world that we forget to stop and admire the beauty of simplicity and random moments. For just a slither of second, press pause, tilt your head and just process what's happening. This is what I find myself doing when I'm around the babies. Now I'm not telling you go steal a baby in order to have this experience but give yourself an opportunity to be innocent and see the world as a new palette.

Lesson Learned: Let the child lead you to experiences from a different perspective as they remind the adult of the beauty in life. 

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