Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chapter 9

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
-Mignon McLaughlin

My parents are old school in every aspect you can imagine.

Boyfriend can't stay past 11 pm unless its a Friday or Saturday, can't invite guests unannounced because the fridge has to be stocked, or you have to say "con permiso" if you'd like to talk to them while they're on the phone.

Their marriage is pretty old school too or maybe my dad is inattentive. If and when my dad has a craving for calamari, he'll invite my mom to his favorite restaurant and that's the extent to quality, alone time I've seen my parents spend. I can't blame them entirely because this economy has my dad slaving at his own bodega. However, that is no excuse as to why I've been purchasing gifts for my mother from my father since elementary school.

Today I received an email for the presale of the Marc Anthony concert. My dad wants to see a Nets game at the Barclays and my mother wanted to go to a Marco Antonio Solis so I decided why not modify the two wishes and have them go to a Marc Anthony concert at the Barclay's! I bought them two floor seat tickets (just FYI, if you don't want to tumble like ragweed, I'd suggest not sitting in the nosebleeds at the Barclay's) for the day after Valentine's and I'm sure my dad will take the credit as this being his idea. It'll be a romantic concert with an amazing singer that'll give them the opportunity to not only share their love of music but share quality time together. 

I've noticed that in order for things to happen at my house I have to impose them. Both my parents get caught up with their jobs that at times I think they forget they're humans and not only do we have to allow our bodies to rest but we need to nourish our relationships, create hobbies and interests to allow our minds to decompress. Habits can be easily created but difficult to break so if we're constantly in this vicious cycle of all work no play, we tend to forget the things that matter most. It's not the house, the car, the money. It's the underlying love, the fruit of the marriage, that made it possible for all that to happen. 

Lesson Learned: If in a relationship or marriage, make sure to dedicate some time to your spouse/significant other. Go on dates, it can be as simple as walking in the park and just communicating. Remind yourselves why you fell in love with the person in the first place. During your time together, forget the worries and focus on fortifying your love. 

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